Bryan S. Graham
Professor of Economics, University of California - Berkeley
academic webpage,
Current Position(s)
2017 - present
Professor, Department of Economics, University of California – Berkeley.
Past Positions
Fall 2022
María de Maeztu Visiting Professor, CEMFI, Madrid, Spain.
Spring 2021
Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Harvard University.
2011 - 2017
Associate Professor (w/ tenure), Department of Economics, University of California – Berkeley.
2009 - 2011
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, New York University.
2005 - 2011
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of California – Berkeley (on leave 2009 - 2011).
2000 - 2005
Harvard University, M.A. & Ph.D. in Economics
- MacArthur Network on Social Interactions and Economic Inequality Fellow
- Harvard University Program on Justice, Welfare and Economics Fellow
- National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow
1998 – 2000
Oxford University, St. Antony’s College, M.Phil. in Economics
- Rhodes Scholar
1997 - 1998
Australian National University, Visiting Graduate Student
- Fulbright Scholar
1993 - 1997
Tufts University, B.A. in Quantitative Economics
- Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa
Grants, fellowships, and awards
Elected Fellow of the Interational Association of Applied Econometrics (IAAE)
2019 - 2021
National Science Foundation (SES #1851647) grant: “Semiparametric methods of policy analysis with social and economic network data” (PI) (272K)
2015 - 2019
National Science Foundation (SES #1357499) grant: “Econometric models for networks and matching with heterogeneous agents” (PI) (325K)
2009 – 2012
National Science Foundation (SES #0921928) grant: “Collaborative research: identification, estimation and application of semiparametric panel data models” (PI) (365K)
2008 – 2009
National Science Foundation (SES #0820361) grant: “Collaborative research: the econometrics of reallocations in the presence of complementarity and social spillovers: estimands, identification and estimation” (PI) (212K)
2005 – 2008, 2014
Committee on Research (COR), UC – Berkeley, Faculty Research Grants (multiple awards) (30K)
2006 – 2007
Center for Health Research (CHR), UC – Berkeley, New Faculty Grant (5K)
Review of Economics Studies Tour
2004 – 2005
MacArthur Network on Social Interactions and Economic Inequality Fellowship
2003 – 2004
Harvard University Program on Justice, Welfare and Economics Fellowship
2000 – 2003
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
1998 – 2000
Rhodes Scholarship
1997 – 1998
Fulbright Scholarship
Daniel Ounjian Prize
Lewis F. Manly Memorial Prize
Phi Beta Kappa
Citation analysis:
Google Scholar, ResearcherID, Scopus
“An optimal test for strategic interaction in network formation games,” conditionally accepted the Review of Economic Studies (with Andrin Pelican).
“Measuring the effects of segregation in the presence of social spillovers: a nonparametric approach,” accepted by the Journal of Econometrics (with Guido Imbens and Geert Ridder).
“Sparse network asymptotics for logistic regression under possible misspecification,” Econometrica 92 (6): 1837 - 1868.
“Kernel density estimation for undirected dyadic data,” Journal of Econometrics 240 (2): Article 105336 (with Fengshi Niu and James L. Powell).
“Identification in a binary choice panel data model with a predetermined covariate,” SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 14 (3-4): 315 - 351 (with Stephane Bonhomme and Kevin Dano).
“Foreward from the editors” for “Identification in dynamic binary choice models” by Gary Chamberlain in SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 14 (3-4): 247 - 251 (with Stephane Bonhomme and Laura Hospido).
“Teacher-to-classroom assignment and student achievement,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 41 (4): 1328 - 1340 (with Geert Ridder, Petra Thiemann and Gema Zamarro).
“ET Interview: Professor Gary Chamberlain,” Econometric Theory 39: 1 - 26 (with Keisuke Hirano and Guido W. Imbens).
“Introduction to the Annals Issue in Honor of Gary Chamberlain,” Journal of Econometrics 226 (1): 1 - 3 (with Keisuke Hirano).
“Semiparametrically efficient estimation of the average linear regression function,” Journal of Econometrics 226 (1): 115 - 138 (with Cristine Pinto).
“Identification and efficiency bounds for the average match function under conditionally exogenous matching,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 38 (2): 303 - 316 (with Guido W. Imbens and Geert Ridder).
“Network data,” Handbook of Econometrics 7A: 111 - 218 (S. Durlauf, L. Hansen, J. Heckman & R. Matzkin, Eds.) Amsterdam: North-Holland.
“Introduction,” The Econometric Analysis of Network Data: 1 – 22 (B. Graham & A. de Paula, Eds.). Amsterdam: Academic Press (with Aureo de Paula).
“Dyadic regression,” The Econometric Analysis of Network Data: 23 - 40 (B. Graham & A. de Paula, Eds.). Amsterdam: Academic Press.
“Testing for externalities in network formation using simulation,” The Econometric Analysis of Network Data: 63 - 82 (B. Graham & A. de Paula, Eds.) Amsterdam: Academic Press (with Andrin Pelican).
“Identifying and estimating neighborhood effects,” Journal of Economic Literature 56 (2) 450 - 500.
“A quantile correlated random coefficients panel data model,” Journal of Econometrics 206 (2): 305 - 335 (with Jinyong Hahn, Alex Poirier and Jim Powell).
“An econometric model of network formation with degree heterogeneity,” Econometrica 85 (4): 1033 - 1063 (Lead article).
“Efficient estimation of data combination models by the method of auxiliary-to-study tilting (AST),” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 34 (2): 288 - 301 (with Cristine Pinto and Daniel Egel).
“Methods of identification in social networks,” Annual Review of Economics 7 (1): 465 - 485.
“Complementarity and aggregate implications of assortative matching: a nonparametric analysis,” Quantitative Economics 5 (1): 29 – 66 (with Guido Imbens and Geert Ridder).
“Comparative static and computational methods for an empirical one-to-one transferable utility matching model,” Advances in Econometrics 31: 151 – 179.
“Comment on `Social networks and the identification of peer effects' by Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham and Guido W. Imbens,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 31 (3): 266 – 270.
“Identification and estimation of average partial effects in `irregular' correlated random coefficient panel data models,” Econometrica 80 (5): 2105 – 2152 (with James Powell).
“Inverse probability tilting for moment condition models with missing data,” Review of Economic Studies 79 (3): 1053 – 1079 (with Cristine Pinto & Daniel Egel).
“Robustness to parametric assumptions in missing data models,” American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 101 (3): 538 - 543 (with Keisuke Hirano).
“Efficiency bounds for missing data models with semiparametric restrictions,” Econometrica 79 (2): 437 – 452.
“Econometric methods for the analysis of assignment problems in the presence of complementarity and social spillovers,” Handbook of Social Economics 1B: 965 – 1052 (J. Benhabib, M. O. Jacksons & A. Bisin, Eds.). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
“The incidental parameter problem in a non-differentiable panel data model,” Economics Letters 105 (2): 181 – 182 (with Jinyong Hahn and James Powell).
“Identifying social interactions through conditional variance restrictions,” Econometrica 76 (3): 643 – 660.
“Rich nations, poor nations: how much can multiple equilibria explain?” Journal of Economic Growth 11 (1): 5 – 41 (with Jonathan R.W. Temple) (Lead article).
“Identification and estimation of the linear-in-means model of social interactions,” Economics Letters 88 (1): 1 – 6 (with Jinyong Hahn) (Lead article).
“Longevity and life cycle savings,” Scandinavian Journal of Economics 105 (3): 319 – 338 (with David E. Bloom and David Canning).
“Economic Growth in Papua New Guinea: Some Empirical Evidence,” Pacific Economic Bulletin 13 (2): 158 – 165.
Books & Reports
The Econometric Analysis of Network Data. Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2020 (co-edited with Aureo de Paula).
Mobility and the Metropolis: The Relationship between Inequality in Urban Communities and Economic Mobility. Washington D.C.: Pew Charitable Trusts (with Patrick Sharkey).
Exchange Rate Policy in Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea: Institute of National Affairs, 1998. (with Ronald Duncan and others).
Completed working papers
“Scenario Sampling for Large Supermodular Games,” (with Andrin Pelican).
“Minimax risk and uniform convergence rates for nonparametric dyadic regression,” revision requested by Econometric Theory (with Fengshi Niu and James L. Powell).
“Homophily and transitivity in dynamic network formation,” revision requested by the Review of Economic Studies.
Inactive manuscripts
“Inverse probability tilting estimation of average treatment effects in Stata,” conditionally accepted by
The Stata Journal (with Cristine Pinto and Daniel Egel).
“Endogenous neighborhood selection, the distribution of income, and the identification of neighborhood effects”.
“Redistributive effects for discretely-valued inputs,” (with Guido W. Imbens and Geert Ridder).
“Small sample properties of GMM and GEL estimation and inference procedures for social interaction models”.
Selected invited talks & lectures (including scheduled)
Distinguished Visitor, School of Management and Economics at Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Keynote Speaker, Recent Development of Causal Inference, Network and Predictions at Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Invited “Micro-Econometrics” session of the European Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society
Invited Speaker, Workshop on Statistical Network Analysis and Beyond, Anchorage, AK.
Keynote Speaker, Urban Economics Association Meeting, London, England
Distinguished Visitor in Econometrics, Boston University
Keynote Speaker, PhD Day at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Invited Lecture, DC-MD-VA Econometrics Workshop (virtual)
Invited Lecture, Workshop on Peer Effects, Institute for Economic and Social Research, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China (virtual)
Invited Speaker, Chamberlain Seminar (virtual)
Plenary Lecture, International Association of Applied Econometrics (IAAE) Annual Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus
Invited “Microeconometrics” session of the Latin American Meetings of the Econometric Society, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Invited Masterclass, Warwick University, England
Invited Masterclass, Haindorf Seminar, Hejnice, Czech Republic
Visiting Faculty (short term), Cowles Foundation, Yale University
Invited lecture, Cowles Summer Conference on Networks, Yale University
Keynote Speaker, Belgian Network Research Forum (BeNet)
Invited lecture, U.K. Econometrics Study Group, University of Bristol
Yale Institute of Network Science Distinguished Lecture
Invited lecture, Cornell / Penn State Conference on Econometrics and IO, Cornell University
Keynote Speaker, Seattle-Vancouver Econometrics Conference, University of Washington
Invited “Social Interactions” session of the European Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society, University of Málaga
Econometrics, Applied Econometrics, Advanced Econometrics
1st & 2nd year Econometrics, Applied Econometrics
Short courses
“Econometric Methods for Social Spillovers and Networks,” University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
“An Introduction to the Econometrics of Networks,” CUHK-Shenzhen
“Econometric Methods for Social Spillovers and Networks,” University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
“An Introduction to the Econometrics of Networks,” CEMFI, Spain
“Econometric Methods for Social Spillovers and Networks,” University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
“Network Data,” Center for Economics and Microdata Practice (CEMP), Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
“Peer Effects and Social Interactions,” Mannheim and Bonn University Summer School, Kurhaus Trifels, Germany
“Methods of estimation and inference for network models with applications,” Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
“Econometric Methods for Social Spillovers and Networks,” University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
“Econometric Analysis of Network Data,” Department of Economics, University of Oslo, Norway
“Econometric Analysis of Network Data,” School of Economics, Singapore Management University, Singapore
“Econometric Analysis of Network Data,” Georgetown Center for Econometric Practice (GCEP) Masterclass, Georgetown University
“Econometric Methods for Networks,” Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE), Belgium
“Econometric Methods for Social Spillovers and Networks,” University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
“Empirical Methods for Program Evaluation and Networks,” CEMFI Summer School, Spain
“Econometric Methods for the Analysis of Social Interactions and Networks,” CEMFI, Madrid
Service to the profession
On campus
Undergraduate, graduate, personnel committees. Equity advisor (2009 - 2018, 2023 - Present).
Faculty advisory committee for UC Martial Arts Program.
Faculty Athletics Council (FACL, Chair), Student-Athlete Admissions Committee (SAAC), Committee on Courses & Instruction (COCI), Undergraduate Council (UGC), Faculty Fellow - Cal Womens and Mens Cross Country Team
Editorial positions
2019 - 2021
Guest Co-Editor, special issue of the Journal of Econometrics in honor of Gary Chamberlain
2018 - 2020
NSF Review Panel for Economics Program
2014 - 2019
Co-Editor, Review of Economics and Statistics
2013 - 2015
Foreign Editor, Review of Economics Studies
Associate Editor, Econometrics Journal
2011 - 2013
Associate Editor, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Board of Editors, Journal of Economic Literature
Organizer, CAMSE/CLIMB Mini-Conference, UC - Berkeley
Program committee 2025 World Congress of the Econometric Society
Co-Organizer Cowles Summer Conference on Econometrics
Organizer, Legends of Evans Hall Jamboree
Co-Organizer, Causal Panel Data Conference, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
Co-Organizer, Conference in Honor of James L. Powell
Organizer, 4th Berkeley-Stanford Econometrics Jamboree
Program committee, World Congress of the Econometric Society
Organizer, 3rd Berkeley-Stanford Econometrics Jamboree
Organizer, 2nd Berkeley-Stanford Econometrics Jamboree
Co-Organizer, Conference in Honor of Gary Chamberlain
Program committee, North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society
Organizer, 1st Berkeley-Stanford Econometrics Jamboree
Co-Organizer, Berkeley/CEMMAP Conference on Networks
Program committee, North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society
Co-Organizer, California Econometrics Conference
Research affiliations
2019 - present
International Fellow, Center for Economics and Microdata Practice (CEMP), Jinan University
2016 - present
Research Fellow, Center for Evaluation and Development, University of Mannheim
2015 - 2018
Associate Fellow, USC Dornsife INET
2012 - present
Member, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group, INET
2006 - present
Faculty Research Fellow (Labor Studies), National Bureau of Economic Research
Research Affiliate, Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development
2009 – 2011
Visiting Professor of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (short visits)
2006 – 2011
Research Affiliate (Development Economics), Centre for Economic Policy Research
Miscellaneous & Curios
Track and Field Coach, Longfellow Middle School
Track and Field Coach, Longfellow Middle School
Cross Country Coach, Longfellow Middle School
Track and Field Coach, Longfellow Middle School
7th Place, USATF Pacific Cross Country Grand Prix
Cross Country Coach, Longfellow Middle School
All-Pacific Association USATF Team (Mens’ Masters Cross Country)
3rd Place, USATF Pacific Cross Country Grand Prix
George Stevens Academy Athletics Hall of Fame, Inaugural Induction Class
Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference Men’s 3000m Indoor Track Champion
Maine State Class B Boy’s 2 mile Indoor Track Champion
Last updated: December 2024 –>