Bryan S. Graham


Working papers

  1. “Scenario Sampling for Large Supermodular Games”, 2023 (w/ Andrin Pelican)

  2. “Minimax risk and uniform convergence rates for nonparametric dyadic regression” revision requested by Econometric Theory, 2021 (w/ Fengshi Niu and James L. Powell)
  3. “Homophily and transitivity in dynamic network formation,” revision requested by the Review of Economic Studies, 2016, also available as a CEMMAP Working paper
    • iPython Notebook to replicate figures and Monte Carlos


      (Note: documents made available for personal study/use only)

  4. “An optimal test for strategic interaction in network formation games” conditonally accepted by the Review of Economic Studies, 2024 (w/ Andrin Pelican)
  5. “Measuring the effects of segregation in the presence of social spillovers: a nonparametric approach” accepted by the Journal of Econometrics, 2024 (w/ Guido Imbens and Geert Ridder)
    • Matlab code archive for replication of empirical illustration ( Warning: This code is 15 years old!).
    • Matlab mat data file. Data are also available in Stata and text formats.

  6. “Sparse network asymptotics for logistic regression under possible misspecification” Econometrica 92 (6): 1837 - 1868, 2024
  7. “Kernel density estimation for undirected dyadic data” _Journal of Econometrics_240 (2): Article 105336, 2024 (w/ Fengshi Niu and James L. Powell)
  8. “Identification in a binary choice panel data model with a predetermined covariate” SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 14 (3-4): 315 - 351, 2023 (with Stephane Bonhomme and Kevin Dano) Special Issue in honor of Manuel Arellano
  9. “Foreward from the editors” for “Identification in dynamic binary choice models” by Gary Chamberlain in SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 14 (3-4): 247 - 251, 2023 (with Stephane Bonhomme and Laura Hospido) Special Issue in honor of Manuel Arellano

  10. “Teacher-to-classroom assignment and student achievement” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 41 (4): 1328 - 1340, 2023 (w/ Geert Ridder, Petra Thiemann and Gema Zamarro)
  11. Image of Gary“ET Interview: Professor Gary Chamberlain” Econometric Theory 39: 1 - 26, 2023 (w/ Keisuke Hirano and Guido W. Imbens)
  12. “Introduction to the Annals Issue in Honor of Gary Chamberlain” Journal of Econometrics 226 (1): 1 - 3, 2022 (w/ Keisuke Hirano)

  13. “Semiparametrically efficient estimation of the average linear regression function,” Journal of Econometrics 226 (1): 115 - 138, 2022 (w/ Cristine Pinto)
  14. “Network data”, Handbook of Econometrics 7A: 111 - 218 (S. Durlauf, L. Hansen, J. Heckman & R. Matzkin, Eds.). Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2020
  15. Image of Book CoverThe Econometric Analysis of Network Data (B. Graham & A. de Paula, Eds.). Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2020
    • Note: This is an edited volume with contributions from an outstanding group of researchers.

  16. “Dyadic regression”, The Econometric Analysis of Network Data: 23 - 40 (B. Graham & A. de Paula, Eds.). Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2020
  17. “Testing for externalities in network formation using simulation”, The Econometric Analysis of Network Data: 63 - 82 (B. Graham & A. de Paula, Eds.). Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2020 (w/ Andrin Pelican)
  18. “Identification and efficiency bounds for the average match function under conditionally exogenous matching,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 38 (2): 303 - 316, 2020 (w/ Guido W. Imbens and Geert Ridder)
    • Also available as a CEMMAP and NBER Working Paper.

  19. “A quantile correlated random coefficients panel data model,” Journal of Econometrics 206 (2): 305 - 335, 2018 (w/ Jinyong Hahn, Alex Poirier and Jim Powell)
  20. “Identifying and estimating neighborhood effects,” Journal of Economic Literature 56 (2): 450 - 500, 2018

  21. “An econometric model of network formation with degree heterogeneity,” Econometrica 85 (4): 1033 - 1063, 2017
  22. “Efficient estimation of data combination models by the method of auxiliary-to-study tilting (AST),” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 31 (2): 288 - 301, 2016 (w/ Cristine Pinto and Daniel Egel)
  23. “Methods of identification in social networks,” Annual Review of Economics 7: 465 - 485, 2015

  24. “Complementarity and aggregate implications of assortative matching: a nonparametric analysis,” Quantitative Economics 5 (1): 29 - 66, 2014 (w/ Guido W. Imbens and Geert Ridder)
  25. Mobility and the Metropolis: How Communities Factor into Economic Mobility, A Report from the Pew Charitable Trusts. Washington D.C.: The Pew Charitable Trusts, 2013 (w/ Patrick Sharkey)
  26. “Comparative static and computational methods for an empirical one-to-one transferable utility matching model,” Advances in Econometrics 31: 153 - 181, 2013
  27. “Comment on “Social networks and the identification of peer effects” by Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham and Guido W. Imbens,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 31 (3): 266 - 270, 2013

  28. “Identification and estimation of average partial effects in `irregular’ correlated random coefficient panel data models,” Econometrica 80 (5): 2105 - 2152, 2012 (w/ James Powell)
  29. “Inverse probability tilting for moment condition models with missing data,” Review of Economic Studies 79 (3): 1053 - 1079, 2012 (w/ Cristine Pinto and Dan Egel)
  30. “Econometric methods for the analysis of assignment problems in the presence of complementarity and social spillovers,” Handbook of Social Economics 1B: 965 - 1052 (J. Benhabib, A. Bisin, & M. Jackson, Eds.). Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2011
  31. “Efficiency bounds for missing data models with semiparametric restrictions,” Econometrica 79 (2): 437 - 452, 2011
  32. “Robustness to parametric assumptions in missing data models,” American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 101 (3): 538 - 543, 2011 (w/ Keisuke Hirano)
  33. “The incidental parameter problem in a non-differentiable panel data model,” Economics Letters 105 (2): 181 - 182, 2009 (w/ Jinyong Hahn and Jim Powell)

  34. “Identifying social interactions through conditional variance restrictions,” Econometrica 76 (3): 643 - 660, 2008
  35. “Rich nations, poor nations: how much can multiple equilibria explain,” Journal of Economic Growth 11 (1): 5 - 41, 2006 (w/ Jon Temple)
  36. “Identification and estimation of the linear-in-means model of social interactions,” Economics Letters 88 (1): 1 - 6, 2005 (w/ Jinyong Hahn)

  37. “Longevity and life-cycle savings,” Scandinavian Journal of Economics 105 (3): 319 - 338, 2003 (w/ David Bloom and David Canning)